Physical Education and Sport Sciences

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No. الاسماء Name in English Graduation Year Department Study
1 دنيا كفاح فاضل خليل Dunya Kefah Fadel Khalel 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Day Time
2 سرمد رجب شعبان طيب Sarmad Rajab Shaaban Taib 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Day Time
3 نةديار سعدى ميرخان مير Nadyar Saadi Mirkhan Meer 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Day Time
4 بارزان شينا محمد امين حمد Barzan Sheena Mohammed Amen Hamed 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Day Time
5 سامر ولفى محو سلو Samir Walfi Maho Salo 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Day Time
6 محمد اسماعيل اومر حسن Mohamed Esmail omer Hasan 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Day Time
7 سردار مصطفى عثمان عبد الله Sardar Mustafa OthmannAbdulla 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Day Time
8 ئازادى خالد عبد الله رسول Azadi Khald Abdullah Rasol 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Day Time
9 رشوان على محمود ابراهيم Rashwan Ali Mahmod Ibrahim 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Evening
10 محمد كوران محمد سعيد Mohammad Goran Mohammad 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Evening
11 على صباح يوسف داود Ali Sabah Yousif Dawood 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Evening
12 سةردةم حسن قادر حسن Sardam Hassan Qadr Hasan 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Evening
13 ياران بهجت كريم سليمان Yaran Bahjat Kareem Suliman 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Evening
14 هيَمن مناف عبد الله خضر Hemn Manaf Abdullah Khdr 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Evening
15 هةذار محمد عوزير باس Hazhar Mohammad Ozeer Bass 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Evening
16 هةريَم عبد القادر خضر حسن Harem Abdulqadr Khader 2019-2020 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Evening

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