Communication and Computer Engineering

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No. الاسماء Name in English Graduation Year Department Study
1 ئاسان حويز بايز سلام ASAN HAWEZ BAIZ SALAM 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
2 ازادة سليمان سليم حمد AZADE SULAEMAN SALAEMAN SALIM HAMAD 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
3 احمد محمد نوزاد عبد الله عبد الرحمن AHMED MOHAMME NAWZAD ABDULLAH ABDULRAHMAN 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
4 اظان نهرو سمايل محمد IVAN NEHRO SMAEL MOHAMMED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
5 ايوب عبد الله محمد شكر الله AYYUB ABDULLAH MOHAMMED SHUKRALLAH 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
6 اسراء فرهاد بلال بهاء الدين ISRA FARHAD BILAL BIHA-ALDEEN 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
7 الين نيازي نجم الدين عبد القادر ALEEN NIYAZI NAJMUALDEEN ABDULQADIR 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
8 تارا زهير غانم سليم ملكو TARA ZUHAIR GHANIM SALIM MELEKU 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
9 ذوان محمد عزيز محمد ZHWAN MOHAMMED AZIZ MOHAMMED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
10 رةوا بولص شمعون بطرس RAWA BOULS SHAMOON BETRS 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
11 رةوةند حسن فرةج حمد RAWAND HASANN FARAJ HAMAD 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
12 عمر مريوان تحسين احمد OMER MARIWAN TAHSEEN AHMED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
13 كامةران باقي عزيز مجيد KAMIRAN BAQI AZIZ MAJEED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
14 لاوين أمجد محمد بهاء الدين LAWIN AMJAD BAHADIN 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
15 مهند عبد المحسن عبد الله احمد MUHANAD ABDULMUSHSIN ABDULLAH AHMED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
16 ناز صلاح مصطفى امين NAZ SALAH MUSTAFA AMEEN 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
17 نصر سالم جرجيس شمعون NESIR SALIM JERJEES SHAMOON 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
18 هاوري انور حسن محمد HAURE ANWAR HUSSEIN MOHAMMED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
19 هةظين هوشيار محمد طاهر HAVIN HOSHYAR MOHAMMED TAHIR 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
20 هيران كمال ابراهيم شالي HIRAN KAMAL IBRAHIM SHALI 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
21 وريا علي حسن حمد علي WRYA ALI HASSAN HAMAD ALI 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
22 ئاكار صابر رشيد صالح AKAR SABIR RASHID SALIH 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
23 إبراهيم نجاة إبراهيم احمد IBRAHIM NAJAT IBRAHIM AHMED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
24 احمد حامد محمد علي صابر AHMED HAMID MEHAMED ALI SABIR 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
25 ريَ بين قيطران كاكه فتح الله REBEN QETRAN KAKA FATHULLAH 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
26 ريذين صباح عبد الله ابراهيم REZHEN SABAH ABUDLLAH IBRAHIM 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
27 زكريا زياد طاهر يونس ZAKARYA ZYAD TAHIR YUNIS 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
28 زيلان عبد الستار محمد ولي ZELAN ABDULSATTAR MOHAMMED WALI 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
29 شةنك عبد الخالق بكر حمد امين SHANK ABDULKHALIQ BAKIR HAMAD AMEEN\ 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
30 شكوَ فرياد محمد سعيد SHKO  FRYAD MOHAMMED SAEED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
31 كاروان كمال حسن عبد الرحمن KARWAN KAMAL HASAN ABDULRAHMAN 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
32 ليلى مصطفى حمد مصطفى LAYLA MUSTAFA HAMAD MUSTAFA 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
33 مصطفى طلعت يحيى سعيد MUSTAFA TALAAT YAHYA SAEED 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
34 مهدي قاسم مل محمد امين MAHDI QASIM MEL MOHAMMED AMEEN 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
35 نيشان شيرو احمد عزيز NISHAN SHERO AHMED AZIZ 2011-2012 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time

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