Communication and Computer Engineering

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No. الاسماء Name in English Graduation Year Department Study
1 دلال محمد سهام اسماعيل DALAL MOHAMED SUHAM ISMAEL 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
2 هانا سالار نور الدين سليمان HANA SALAR NOORALDIN SLEMAN 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
3 أحمد كمال نوري رسول AHMED KAMAL NOORI RASOL 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
4 نور صديق عثمان حسين NOOR SIDEEK OTHMAN HUSSEN 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
5 بنان طيب كريم يونس BANAN TAYIB KARIM YOUNIS 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
6 أحمد جلال محمد صالح AHMED JALAL MOHAMMED SALIH 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
7 مريم سرمد محمد على MARYAM SARMAD MUHAMMED ALI 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
8 ديدار مجيد ياسين عبدالله DEDAR MAJED YASEEN ABDULLAH 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
9 علي عز الدين محمد عثمان ALI AZZADIN MUHAMMED OSMAN 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
10 كبرى فهمي امين سليم KUBRA FAHMI AMEEN SALIM 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
11 ريبر هشيار خالد شريف REBER HSHYAR KHALID SHAREF 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
12 شرمين حاتم محمد عمر SHARMEN HATEM MOHAMAD OMAR 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
13 آمانج دلشاد محمود حمد AMANJ DILSHAD MAHMOOD HAMAD 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
14 بلند فؤاد حمد طه BLND FUAD HAMAD TAHA 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
15 په‌رى اياد فرج رشيد PARY AYAD FARAJ RASHEED 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
16 محمد يونس ولي خضر MUHAMMED YOUNES WALY KHTHER 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
17 روژة محمد حسن محمد رؤوف محمد ROZHA MOHAMMAD HASSAN MOHAMMAD RAUF MOHAMMAD 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
18 منصور مسعود فقو طه MANSWR MASIUD FAQW TAHA 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
19 هيڤار سليم حسين عزيز HEAVAR SALEEM HASSAN AZIZ 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
20 سه‌روان خورشيد صبرى امين SARWAN KHURSHEED SABRY AMIN 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
21 احمد جلال محمد اومر AHMED JALAL MOHAMMED OMAR 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
22 گيابەند انور خضر حمد GYABAND ANWAR KHTHER HAMAD 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
23 عبدالله اوميد احمد محمد ABDULLA UMED AHMED MOHAMED 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
24 عمر عبدالله رفيق صالح OMER ABDULLA RAFEEQ SALH 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
25 كاردو نجم الدين نور الدين ابوبكر KARDO NAJMALDIN NWRALDIN ABUBAKER 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
26 بارزان خدر محمود ابراهيم BARZAN KHADIR MAHMOOD IBRAHIM 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time
27 هوزان قاسم رشيد حسن HOZAN QASM RASHID HASAN 2018-2019 Communication and Computer Engineering Day Time

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